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New Club Penguin Times!

junio 10, 2011

Today is a new newspaper in club penguin island which is interesting
want to see?

One thing you will notice on the second page, is that the penguin band have been confirmed as to wearing NEW outfits at this years music jam.

My opinion for this change is that it is amazing! is a change never before seen in clubpenguin.
How will the new autograph?
For me it will be great and I want to be the music jam!
And you?
Are you ready for the new party clubpenguin?

New BUG ninja costume!

junio 5, 2011

Hello, penguins!
Today I was playing card-Jitsu with my ninja suit and press 芦W禄and I showed up this look:

What say you?
Tell me a comment!

Club Penguin Golden Armour Special Dance

May 20, 2011

Today when I finished completing the golden armor, I realized that there is a special move for gold armor if you press 芦D禄 has put you dance and you will get this movement:

What do you think this new movement?
For me I feel great.

Club Penguin Medieval Party Quest #2 Cheats

May 20, 2011
!Hey penguins!
Club Penguin has officially launched the new party and I bring here the tricks and secrets
Now, These Are the cheats to Quest # 2, so enter That one first!

When you enter you have to throw snowballs with fire torches wings forward:

Once you pass will have to make a puzzle to progress:

When you manage to pass there will be a room with a free item:

After that you’ll have to kill the dragon and tell you here as:

1-You have snowballs to fill the water tank:

2-Shoot when you indicate you see a green light on the water hose:

3- Now go back to do the same until the fall and dragon wing will have passed another room:

Then go into another room and you can get the free item.

How about the new party?
for me is great, but the coolest new items.

Club Penguin new free article!

May 20, 2011


As you know the new party is here and also there is an article for non-members
聽 which it is located in the lighthouse:

I like the new free item?
To me, this great and combined with my wizard costumes


Club Penguin Brazier Pin Cheat

May 20, 2011

Hey, penguins
As some know today as the new party has come and like every holiday there is a new pin The new pin of this event is located in the boiler room.

How about the new pin?
For me are great and more with my funds knight 馃榾


Club Penguin underwater adventure

May 20, 2011

!hey penguins!

Club Penguin launched its new play which is called underwater adventure
the work is located in the theater.

When you enter the theater you’ll see the decorations of the new work.

There is also a new pin and is located on the sand castle.

There is also the costume catalog but unfortunately has no secret.

What do you think the new work?
It seems to me that this great, besides the sub diffraction are cool.
Well penguins that states do what the new work.

Club Penguin Billybob Suited-up for Medieval Party 2011

May 19, 2011

Hi everyone!

Today happy77 channel on YouTube is a new video about the medieval party video player is more or less than Billybob here’s the video:

Would not you like that Club Penguin was so with the other parties?
A lot I would love to do this at every party.


New Club Penguin EPF Message from Herbert.

May 17, 2011

Hello, today we received a message from herbert which says this:

Herbert says:

Temper temper, Jet Pack George.

What do you think about this?

I think we have to prepare for something big.